TEDx – SMS Dubai Youth

On May 10th, SMS will host its inaugural TEDx event, a groundbreaking achievement that reflects our commitment to empowering student voices and honing public speaking skills. This milestone have been initiated and empowered by the unwavering support of our School director -Dr. Stephanie Chattman, whose vision and dedication have championed the importance of student expression
Student Support Services at the School of Modern Skills believes that the only way to support teachers, students, parents, and staff emotional, social, academic, behavioral, and language needs is to work together. We can always get a job done, but when we work together, we make things happen!! Listen Spotify Episode 1: SMS Inclusion Policy
Dear Parents, School has launched new parent portal. Please create an account if you still have not. Read the letter to parent and follow the instructions from user guide. Letter to Parents iSAMS Parent Portal User Guide

Sports Week

Great news everyone!!! Sport Days are BACK!! And this time, you can come and support your child’s team! Parents are welcome 🙌🏻

Admissions are open.

Dear parents, We are so happy to announce that admissions are open for KG to Grade 12 students for academic year 2025-26. Visit the SMS or register online from school website link bellow https://dubai-sms.net/Paradigm5/public/DubaiOnlineRegistrationFirstStep

SMS Way!

Join us tomorrow. Book yourself from 5-6 PM and be here!